Almaas Bücher Englisch

Almaas on the role of his books – (from the interview with Bob Olson, Fall 2003):

What role do your books, versus retreats and work with individual teachers, play in helping people move toward truth?

„The books have several functions, according to how I see things:

  • The books support the students who are undergoing the work of the Diamond Approach, because they give more detailed and exhaustive discussions of various segments of the work in ways different from the direct teaching.
  • The books can be used to support students of other paths, for the Diamond Approach includes ways of practice and working on oneself that are very effective for working through obstacles and obscurations. It includes a unique and new understanding of how ego is related to true nature, based on a new useful paradigm of qualities of true nature. This new paradigm of spiritual qualities can aid students of many paths for it helps to give them contexts for understanding their experience that have not been available before. The books also discuss true nature in its aspects and dimensions in a kind of detail, specificity and precision not available much in spiritual literature, which can be useful for students of the inner path regardless of the particular path.
  • The books contribute to the spread of spiritual knowledge, understanding and wisdom to human beings in general. It is a way of teaching, not as effective as direct personal teaching, but can nevertheless have a beneficial impact in awakening people to the inner truths, encouraging and inspiring them to engage the inner path.
  • The books can contribute to the knowledge of humanity in general, by transmitting new effective ways of investigation, learning and inquiry.
  • The books also have the function of being records of a new teaching. It is both the responsibility of the researcher to put out his learning and discoveries, and by doing that the spiritual literature of mankind is enriched and expanded.
  • The books can have functions I am not aware of myself. I know it is my function to put out the Diamond Approach. I know some of the benefits, but I do not profess to know all the possibilities of germination and consequences of its spread. It is an interesting question, for instance, to wonder what will be the overall and long-term consequence of putting out such new paradigm of spiritual essence.“ 

Almaas: Diamond Heart Book One
Almaas: The Void
Almaas: Spacecruiser Inquiry
Almaas: Love Unveiled
Almaas: The Inner Journey Home