Almaas CDs - English

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Hinweis: dies sind die letzten CDs, die wir von der Ridhwan-Foundation bekommen konnten.
Sie werden nicht mehr nachproduziert, werden jedoch zum Download über z.B. Sounds True angeboten.

CD: Inner Journey Home, 2 CDs

CD: Inner Journey Home, 2 CDs

Autor/ Author: Almaas, A.H.
Verlag/ Publ.: Ridhwan Foundation

On the occasion of the publication of The Inner Journey Home, the magnum opus of his spiritual teaching, A.H. Almaas gave public talks to introduce the Diamond Approach® to a larger audience. Hearing these talks gives the listener a profound and fascinating insight into the nature of the human soul and spiritual reality. Provocative for newcomers and illuminating for current practitioners of the path, each of these two presentations explores a different aspect of the inner journey described in the book.
Approx. 140 minutes - 2 CDs (2005)


14 € - Hier können Sie bestellen.


CD: The Power of Divine Eros (8 CDs)

CD: The Power of Divine Eros (8 CDs)

Autor/ Author: Almaas, A.H. & Johnson, Karen
Verlag/ Publ.: Shambhala

The Illuminating Force of Love in Everyday Life
What do passion and desire have to do with spirituality? Conventional wisdom cautions that they are pitfalls on the path, imprisoning us in the worldly illusions of the ego. And for most people, that is exactly what happens. But just the opposite may be possible. By becoming open to the energy, aliveness, spontaneity, and zest of erotic love, we can liberate ourselves from self-centeredness and embrace the fullness of our humanity.


This audio edition of the revolutionary book by A. H. Almaas and Karen Johnson, read by the authors, shows you how. Through numerous exercises, meditations, instructive dialogues with students, and much more, you will discover how the erotic and the holy can become truly inseparable, and how you yourself may practice this extraordinary path to wholeness.
8 CDs, 8¾ hours.


32 € - ISBN: 9781611801903 - HIER können Sie bestellen / You can order HERE.

CD: The Diamond Approach, Set 6 CDs

CD: The Diamond Approach, Set 6 CDs

Autor/ Author: Almaas, A.H.
Verlag/ Publ.: Sounds True

A.H. Almaas, whose writings brilliantly illustrate the unity of modern depth psychology and traditional spiritual wisdom, is a respected, pioneering teacher. Jack Kornfield has called him “one of the most significant voices for a new and remarkably integrated spiritual vision.”


Now for the first time ever, Almaas is creating with Sounds True an accessible audio introduction to his lifetime of work. Called The Diamond Approach, this program features insights refined from Almaas’ 30 years of teaching including how he has helped thousands around the globe “do the work” by investigating reality, developing emotional wholeness, uncovering their true essence, and realizing the non-duality of being.

An Answer to the Modern Challenge of Living as "The Unfolding Now": According to A.H. Almaas, suffering comes when we don`t let reality do its thing. So how can we learn to relax into the dynamic flow of life and live as pure presence? Drawing from a constellation of wisdom teachings, depth psychology, and his own revelatory experience, this acclaimed author and teacher has uncovered a practical path: a process he calls "The Diamond Approach". Now, Almaas shares his revolutionary new model for human development that has helped many usher in what he calls "runaway realization".
Join him on his first full-length audio course to explore what it means to simply be who we truly are - without fixing or changing anything. Looking within to Discover Your Authentic Life: If we"re not looking to improve anything then what are we to do? Look within. Internal structures - such as feelings of inadequacy, the drive to achieve, the need to control our world - can prevent us from experiencing our true nature. "The Diamond Approach" helps us investigate these constructs through progressive levels of inquiry. According to Almaas, a strong desire for truth tempered with compassion is all that we need to begin the path of inner discovery. 


Program Highlights:

  • Your unique essence and why discovering it is vital for complete spiritual realization,
  • The five fundamental dimensions of your true nature: emptiness, awareness, presence, love and dynamic change,
  • How to "stay with it", the key attitude for productive self-inquiry,
  • Allowing reality to reveal itself,
  • Consciousness beyond - and including - ego and identity,
  • Learning from the lows of life to meet any experience with openness,
  • The soul redefined as an "organ of experience", 
  • Narcissism as a tool for opening to deeper levels of self-knowledge,
  • Guidance and insights to help you spontaneously and freely be you.

6 CDs, Running time: 7 3/4 hours (2009)


40 € - ISBN: 9781591797333 - HIER können Sie bestellen / You can order HERE.

CD: The Essence of Creativity, 2 CDs

CD: The Essence of Creativity, 2 CDs

Autor/ Author: Almaas, A.H., Gold, E.J.
Verlag/ Publ.: Ridhwan Foundation

This 2-CD set makes available to the public presentations by A.H. Almaas and E.J. Gold that were part of a one-day art auction and discussion in Grass Valley , California , October, 2003. The first disk is a talk given by A.H. Almaas on the experiential nature of creativity. He takes the audience on a fascinating journey to discover why being creative is so highly revered in our culture. He sees the narcissistic side in the desire to be recognized and appreciated as special and unique, but he also looks at the deeper longing to feel connected to the outflow of dynamic creative arising. This arising is the ultimate nature of everything emerging from the selfless source—the Absolute. From this, Almaas finds that creativity is truly a combination of generosity and service when it connects us to our deepest nature. The second disk is primarily a question and answer process between Almaas, Gold and the audience on various topics including artistic passion, creative discipline and the essential artistic experience.
Approx. 145 minutes - 2 CDs (2003)


21 € - Art. Nr.: 9961353000233 - HIER können Sie bestellen / You can order HERE.

CD: Talks by A.H.Almaas Series One, Set 6 CDs

CD: Talks by A.H.Almaas Series One, Set 6 CDs

Autor/ Author: Almaas, A.H.
Verlag/ Publ.: Ridhwan Foundation

These talks are presented by A. H. Almaas, to the Colorado and California work groups in the early days of the Ridhwan School. Full set of 6 CDs includes the talks, "The Truth Will Set You Free", "Hope and Hopelessness", "In the World But Not Of It", "Vulnerability and Humanness" and "The Integrated Human Being".
Set 6 CDs (1994)

appr. 29,90 € - Art. Nr.: 9961353000028 - HIER können Sie bestellen / You can order HERE.

CD: Sacred Psychology, Set 6 CDs

CD: Sacred Psychology, Set 6 CDs

Autor/ Author: Almaas, A.H.
Verlag/ Publ.: Ridhwan Foundation

In these audios, Hameed Ali explores how the insights of modern psychology can become part of a spiritual psychology, where the nature and qualities of soul, essence, and Being are contrasted with the normal experience of self. He discusses the Diamond Approach® as it relates to depth psychology.

Full Set of 6 CDs includes Sacred Psychology on Soul, on Essence and on Being (1993)

appr. 29,90 € - Art. Nr.: 9961353000226 - HIER können Sie bestellen / You can order HERE.