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Keys to the Enneagram

Autor: Almaas, A.H. – Verlag: Shambhala Publ.
How to Unlock the Highest Potential of Every Personality Type
More than just a tool to diagnose your personality type, the Enneagram was originally developed to help people find the ultimate freedom of consciousness and achieve spiritual liberation. A. H. Almaas brings us back to this original mission as he shares the essential keys that will help readers break free from the limitations and distortions of each type’s fixation—and to express their true spiritual nature in everyday life.
News & Reviews
„I am profoundly moved by and highly recommend Keys to the Enneagram. As one of the foremost spiritual leaders of our time, Almaas brilliantly illuminates the spiritual depths underlying the surface patterns of the nine Enneatypes. Offering approaches to attain those depths, this powerful, impactful work provides a valuable missing piece in our current Enneagram understanding and serves as an excellent guide for those who truly seek to use the Enneagram for spiritual awakening.“ —Terry Saracino, founding president and core faculty, The Narrative Enneagram
„A. H. Almaas offers a new path for understanding the spiritual nature of the Enneagram. In this book, Almaas answers many questions you may not have known to ask, and he does so with a generosity that allows each of us to find our way. If you are a serious student of this ancient wisdom, this book is for you.“ —Suzanne Stabile, author of The Path Between Us and coauthor of The Road Back to You
Leseprobe Keys to the Enneagram
216 S., früher 21 € – jetzt 10,50 €. HIER können Sie bestellen.
The Jeweled Path – by Karen Johnson

Autor: Johnson, Karen – Verlag: Shambhala Publ.
The Biography of the Diamond Approach to Inner Realization
The Jeweled Path invites you to enter into the story of how the modern spiritual path of the Diamond Approach emerged. With humor and intimacy, Karen Johnson, cofounder with A. H. Almaas, reveals the personal experiences that birthed the teaching and furthered its development. These profound awakenings – occurring amidst ordinary life – became the building blocks of a remarkable new approach to human nature and to our understanding of reality.
Watch Karen Johnson talk about her new book here. Or watch the booktalk in London here.
344 S., früher 24,90 € – 12,50 € – HIER können Sie bestellen.
The Alchemy of Freedom: The Philosopher’s Stone and the Secrets of Existence

Autor: Almaas, A.H. – Verlag: Shambhala Publ.
For millennia alchemists sought the philosophers’ stone, the miracle substance believed to be the key to all the secrets of existence. The quest was fueled by some of the prime questions of human existence: What am I? Why am I here? How has this world come to be?
A. H. Almaas shows that the tremendous liberating power of the mysterious philosophers’ stone is closer to us than we realize. In fact, it is the true nature of all reality—in all times and all places, without being limited to being anything in particular. Through the philosophers’ stone, real transformation can happen, our consciousness can become free, and we can open to all the possibilities of reality.
Almaas discusses the factors that are involved in igniting the catalytic property of the philosophers’ stone and then begins to unpack the properties of true nature when it is free of constraints. Finally, we are left with the revelation that true nature is endlessly knowable, and yet nothing we can know or say about it exhausts its mystery and power.
The result is a new understanding of what liberation and practice are—and a view of what it’s like when seeking ceases and life becomes a process of continual discovery. We begin to appreciate that the freedom of reality expressed in the complete and fulfilled life all human beings seek—and few find—is actually the simplicity of the ordinary.
Part One. Elements Necessary for Awakening
1. Necessary Awakening, 2. Primary Awakening, 3. The Nonhierarchical View of the Path, 4. Endless Awakening, 5. The Reverence of True Nature,
Part Two. Expressions of Awakening
6. Self-Illuminating True Nature, 7. Self-Expressing True Nature, 8. The Transformer, 9. The Only Teacher
Part Three. Illuminations of Awakening
10. Awakening Is Awake, 11. The Nature of True Nature, 12. Enlightenment, 13. Reality, 14. Freedom
Leseprobe The Alchemy of Freedom , 216 S.
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Runaway Realization

Autor: Almaas, A.H. – Verlag: Shambhala Publ.
Runaway Realization – Living a Life of Ceaseless Discovery
The teaching in this book is off the map—because reality itself cannot be captured in a map. In fact, reality is far more alive, far more mysterious than anything we can conceive of. It is always revealing itself by knowing itself; and knowing reality and living it becomes the fulfillment of our life. A. H. Almaas, the originator of the Diamond Approach, here presents a new paradigm for understanding reality: the view of totality. He reveals that our life can become an endless revelation of reality, an adventure with neither beginning nor end.
“It’s exhilarating to see a master teacher break free and clear—even of his own teaching! This book confirms suspicions that have long been growing in me and encourages me even more to trust my own inner compass as I bushwhack my way along the pathless path. Runaway Realization offers an inviting and hopeful alternative vision of the mature stages of spiritual life, served up with the author’s signature clarity and a newfound note of gentleness.” – Cynthia Bourgeault, author of The Holy Trinity and the Law of Three
“Beyond duality and nonduality, the realizations voiced here are like the immediacy and laughter of Zen, expressions of untethered freedom beyond fixed view, the joy of letting go, embracing paradox, liberating wisdom, a gift of grace.” – Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with Heart
“As we awaken to the field of aliveness in which we live, we enter the realm of this magnificent and important book. Almaas combines penetrating insight with clear communication to describe the self-sustaining fire of awareness awakening to itself. He challenges us to see the profound depth of our freedom as beings of cosmic aliveness who are learning to live in a living universe. A gem of a book!” – Duane Elgin, author of The Living Universe, Awakening Earth, and Voluntary Simplicity
272 S., früher 21,50 € – 11 € – HIER können Sie bestellen.
The Power of Divine Eros

Autor: Almaas, A.H. & Johnson, Karen – Verlag: Shambhala Publ.
The Illuminating Force of Love in Everyday Life
In the words of the authors, „Any spiritual work involves the element of love, whether explicitly or implicitly. What we want to explore is how the energy and quality of love explicitly open the door to reality and to our deeper nature. The portal is there for every human being to open; each of us can be fully real and alive in all our interactions. And the erotic, as it is felt and experienced in the body, is a part of that openness, whether it becomes sexual or not. For many reasons, eros has become separated from the pure and the holy, and as a result, it is usually relegated to the domain of the gross and unrefined. But eros is the energy of the divine. As such, it is always divine and pure.“
Through guided exercises, the authors invite the reader to connect to the pure energy behind their desire. When we allow ourselves to fully experience our wanting, the authors suggest, and we trust that the wanting itself has the intelligence to reveal the pure energy of desire that underlies it, we get a taste of what it’s like to feel love and desire as a unified force. Being in the world in a way that does not separate us from spirit, while also feeling the pleasure of our energy, our erotic nature, our aliveness and love, makes life complete. We want to experience our humanness, the authors say, but we don’t want to divide ourselves to do it. We want to know more about both the spiritual and the worldly reality and how the two interrelate, because they are naturally a part of what it means to be human.
„The sensitive field of the human being, which is a wave of the ocean of consciousness, is conscious beyond our physical body. We are a medium of aware and vibrant sensitivity, which is impressionable and usually patterned by our previous experiences. When we awaken to our nature, our experience changes. The new ways we experience ourselves challenge the old forms we have taken ourselves to be; we change into new forms and into formless realms of our nature as well.
Having a real relationship follows the same principle. It is an evolution of two waves of consciousness interacting and interweaving as one field of consciousness, shifting form through the interchange. This is the relational field as a living medium. What does it mean to have a real relationship? What does it mean to come together and not be defining your friend, partner, wife, by the experiences you had of them last week? What would it mean to actually see, with fresh eyes, who they are right now? This doesn’t mean that you forget what has happened, who they are, or what their name is. It begins by taking the chance to open into the new, in the same way we do when we enter into our own experience and open that up.“
256 S., Leseprobe The Power of Divine Eros
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Inner Journey Home

Autor: Almaas, A.H. – Verlag: Shambhala Publ.
This book presents the larger view of the Diamond Approach® to Self-realization, its metaphysical underpinnings, its overall structure, and its metapsychology.
What is the soul, and how do we come to know it? What is its journey in life, and what stages and obstacles are encountered along the way? These questions are explored here in detail according to the Diamond Approach, a spiritual path that combines systematic inquiry into personal experience, the practice of traditional spiritual methods, and the application of modern psychological research. The Inner Journey Home is the centerpiece of the Diamond Approach literature, providing a complete overview of the teaching with references to the author’s other books for more details on certain topics.
From the Preface by the Author:
„As a human individual I am the author of this book, but not the source of the teaching presented in it. The real source of the teaching is the true nature of Reality, the essence of our soul and what ultimately we are, the elixir that alone can transform our consciousness and life. By writing and publishing this book, and the others before it, I am fulfilling a facet of my personal function as a discriminating and expressive organ, and an appreciative servant, of this wonderful and magnificent truth of Reality.“
From the Introduction by the Author:
„…our discoveries come from a systematic investigation of the nature of reality starting with the direct knowing of the nature of self or soul. This revelation inevitably leads, as is known in all authentic spiritual and philosophical traditions, to an understanding of the nature of the cosmos and the nature of Being or the divine.““Our investigation has engendered a largely original description of the soul, involving a detailed description of the actual phenomenological nature of the soul as well as a description of how the soul’s development creates the structures that come to be known as the self. We connect this understanding in the footnotes and appendices with detailed comparisons and references to modern and traditional notions of self and soul.“
752 S., früher 52 € – jetzt 26 € – HIER können Sie bestellen.
Facets of Unity

Autor: Almaas, A.H. – Verlag: Shambhala Publ.
Facets of Unity presents the Enneagram of Holy Ideas as a crystal clear window on the true reality experienced in enlightened consciousness. Here we are not directed toward the psychological types but the higher spiritual realities they reflect. We discover how the disconnection from each Holy Idea leads to the development of its corresponding fixation, thus recognizing each types deeper psychological core. Understanding this core brings each Holy Idea within reach, so its spiritual perspective can serve as a key for unlocking the fixation and freeing us from its limitations.
Part One: Perspective
A Brief History of the Enneagram – Overview of the Holy Ideas – The Diamond Approach and the Holy Ideas
Part Two: Living Daylight and Basic Trust
Basic Trust – Living Daylight – The Holding Environment – Loving Light and the Beast – The Real World – The Holy Ideas and Basic Trust
Part Three: Working with the Holy Ideas
Orientation to the Holy Ideas – Holy Truth – Holy Omniscience – Holy Transparency – Holy Will – Holy Freedom – Holy Perfection – Holy Wisdom – Holy Work – Holy Plan – Holy Origin – Holy Love – Holy Strength – Holy Faith – Holy Harmony – Holy Law – Holy Hope
„Lucid, precise and infinitely helpful to seekers everywhere. I heartily recommend Facets of Unity to Enneagram enthusiasts, to my own students of inner knowing, and to followers of every spiritual tradition.“ -Helen Palmer, author of The Enneagram
„Serious students of the Enneagram will find much of value in this book. . . . The Holy Ideas can be highly challenging material, but Almaas presents them with clarity, thoroughness, and grace such that we can all gain a taste of the deeper truths of this remarkable system.“ – Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, authors of Personality Types
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Luminous Night’s Journey

Autor: Almaas, A.H. – Verlag: Shambhala Publ.
This book is very special as it contains a new kind of teaching: excerpts from Almaas‘ personal journal, which describe a certain thread in his own journey of realization and the processes involved in integrating that realization. This publication marks a fortunate development in our knowledge of how Being is realized in and through the human soul.
In Luminous Night’s Journey, Almaas shares excerpts from his personal journal, which describe a certain thread in his own journey of realization and the processes involved in integrating that realization. This publication marks a fortunate development in our knowledge of how Being is realized in and through the human soul: The process of realization and integration of true nature described in the voice of one who articulates precisely and vividly the psychological and epistemological barriers which confront the individual consciousness as realization is integrated in the context of personal life.
Almaas describes how his participation in the unfolding manifestation of Being ushers him into realms that expose and transform increasingly deep ego structures and attachments. Luminous Night’s Journey clarifies how the unveiling of Being and the exposure of ego structures constitute one process, leading to the soul’s integrated realization of absolute nature and the manifestation of the human being as a personal embodiment of that nature.
Intimacy – The Personal Trap – The Impersonal – Objective Sorrow – End of the World – The Real World – The Absolute – Mystical Poverty – The Beloved – Ripening of the Soul – The Mystical Marriage – Coemergence – Absolute Action – Life and the Deathless
160 S.
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Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment

Autor: Almaas, A.H. – Verlag: Samuel Weiser Publ.
Essence with the Elixir of Enlightenment
In one issue/ in einer Ausgabe:
„Almaas demystifies enlightenment, helping us to see it, not as some mysterious event, but rather as a down-to-earth, understandable process with definite stages and sign posts–a process in which the personality gradually releases its grip on our being, and allows essence to emerge and transform the personality itself. Essence is a revolutionary book in its synthesis of Western and Eastern approaches to psychological and spiritual development.“ Yoga Journal
Presence and Essence – Essence – The Loss of Essence – The Retreival of Essence – The Development of Essence
The Elixir of Enlightenment:
A.H. Almaas answers the question, „Why do most people on spiritual paths fail to attain what they seek?“ by exploring the active relationship between personality and Essence as it inspires and impedes the search. In the light of his own contemporary Diamond Approach, he examines the teachings of Krishnamurti, Rajneesh, and Buddhism, providing invaluable insight for students and teachers on any path.
The Situation – The Problem – The Solution
ca. 26,50 € – HIER können Sie bestellen.
Work on the Superego (Booklet)

Autor: Almaas, A.H. – Verlag: Ridhwan Foundation
This monograph explores the biggest barrier to our growth and unfoldment, no matter what our stage of development – our inner critic. It discusses the etiology and functioning of the superego in our lives and gives practical methods for dealing with it individually, in relationship, and in working with others.
Deutsche Ausgabe: Die Über-Ich-Arbeit
Dies sind die letzten Exemplare in gedruckter Form. Das Heft wird in Zukunft als PDF zum Download verkauft.
Früher 8,90 € – jetzt 4,50 € – HIER können Sie bestellen.
Heart Dweller (Booklet)

Autor: Almaas, A.H. – Verlag: Ridhwan Foundation
This 32-page booklet is the first work A. H. Almaas wrote, dating from 1973. It is a passionate and poetic presentation of many of his initial experiences and insights which later contributed to the understanding of the Diamond Approach.®
Dieses Booklet ist bei uns ausverkauft. Das Heft wird in Zukunft als PDF zum Download verkauft.